Welcome to EXSA
About EXSA
Established in 1980, the Exhibition and Events Association of Southern Africa affords its members the opportunity to Connect, Engage, Learn, and Grow in the industry.
Membership Benefits
Members in good standing with EXSA are vetted for adherence to Health and Safety regulations; and are afforded the unique opportunity to provide services at Zero % VAT to international clients.
Member Directory
EXSA’s member directory showcases our highly sought-after, reputable members in the exhibitions and events industry across Southern Africa.
Exhibitions Calendar
For the best opportunities to grow in the business events industry, EXSA keeps you up to date with the key details of leading exhibitions and events.

Our primary aim
EXSA’s primary aim is to protect and promote the interests of its members, exhibitors and the general public. We strive to increase the significance of Exhibitions within the marketing mix to demonstrate the power of one-on-one marketing, thus promoting and growing the Southern African Exhibition Industry.