Infinity Exhibitions
Infinity exhibitions is the reason I get up in the mornings. They say if you enjoy what you do, you won’t work a day in your live. Creativity, design and good execution of a project makes me happy and clients can see it in the work I do. Infinity exhibition is a small company that started in 2017 as a design consultancy and evolved in a boutique design and project management company. Being an expert in a few design fields with 25 years’ experience helps. I still get very excited with the discovery of new things and the use there off.
I have the privilege to do work for a few very exiting clients that likes pushing the envelope. I have retained almost all the clients that I picked up during the last few years and have acquired a good understanding of their brands and how to promote them in the best way. I strive to do the best work possible with in the budgets provided and focus on well finished and professionally executed projects. I have access to the some off the best suppliers and subcontractors in the country that have the same high standards of work and professionalism as I. My long term goal is to add value to all I do, for clients, coworkers and the exhibition industry as a hole.

City: Pretoria
Service Offering: Stand builder
Start Up Member
✓ Adheres to Health & Safety Regulations
✓ Zero % VAT for International Clients
✓ Voting Member of EXSA
Tel: +27 83 661 9311
Email: [email protected]
235 Theuns road,Murrayfield,Pretoria 0184